About Me

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My name is Lise Régimbald. I am a certified Advanced Level 4 eutaptics® FasterEFT™ practitioner and a certified Life Coach. I am successfully using those modalities with clients from all around the world with a large range of problems. I am a member of International Institute for Complementary Therapists.

I have always been passionate about personal growth and finding new ways to feel better. I am also very sensitive to people suffering. I have always had the desire to help and make a difference in people’s life.

Following the release of my fear of dogs, a questioning arose in me. Could I help people free themselves too? This idea came up again and again. The more I questioned myself, the more people I saw suffering around me. I perceived a crying need. 

So I started and followed the eutaptics® FasterEFT ™ training up to the advanced level. I also completed several other trainings in order to have a wider range of tools. 

I started offering my services and realized that these techniques allow my clients to experience real change. The transformation I’ve experienced personally and what I’ve witnessed in others is truly amazing.

Today I can say that it is very exciting to work with my clients. To see them change so quickly is really impressive! I can’t keep this to myself and I want to share it with everyone!

Are you ready to make peace with your past and improve your life? Are you ready to let go of the burden you carry every day? It would be a great pleasure to work with you. Be prepared to experiment the power of eutaptics® FasterEFT™ in your life!